Don't store under glass Bobbins should be stored out on a shelf or on a stand, putting them under glass, where there is little or no air circulating will cause blooming Not just wood, but also bone bobbins Remember, pewter inlay appears on both wooden and bone antique bobbins. A Nasty History Lead has a toxic history (sorry, couldn't resist the pun), from being included in the paint on toys being used as a sweetener in drinks. Yes, there was a history of adding lead to cider to make it sweeter leading to brain damage and death and is the origin of the jokes about 'country yokels'. ![]() Blooming Lead can oxidise and start to have a white 'bloom' on it. This is a sign of 'lead disease'. Keeping antique bobbins in airtight containers will cause blooming. The first thing is do not touch this with your bare hands. Put on gloves. If you find that an antique bobbin has developed blooming then follow the advice from the Western Australian Museum on treating lead bloom.
From time to time I post on different groups and wanted to collect some of the advice that I give in one places.
November 2022